1551 Laperriere Ave., Ottawa

Tel.: 613-729-3300

Structure of the Environment

The main goal of First Journey Montessori is to provide a stimulating, child-oriented environment in which children can explore, touch, and learn independently. The structure of the school provides the child with as much time as he/she needs to complete the task to his/her satisfaction, and success is the primary reward. As you look around our classrooms you will notice the materials, how attractive they are in placement, colours, cleanliness, quality, logical arrangement and accessibility. The environment is rich, stimulating, organized, tidy, bright, tastefully decorated, and inviting with flowers, plants and fish. The child is attracted to learn by this environment.

Unique Learning

At First Journey Montessori we understand and take into account how children learn in different ways. With some types of materials you will see groups of children working cooperatively, and with others you will find an individual child working alone intensely. Still other children are engaged in actively absorbing information through observation of the children and the materials in the classroom. First Journey Montessori fosters the ease and joy with which the children work. We also promote the intense self-gratification that the learning process affords the child.

Social Interaction

First Journey Montessori also fosters the children's interaction with each other, thereby encouraging a level of respect, as well as for the normal pushes and pulls of childhood. We develop activities that have a strong social component – one that inculcates a sense of responsibility for and community with all those in the class. There are always pockets of purely social activities present in the classrooms as the child's natural desire to form friendships and be part of an ongoing community is ever present.

Autonomous Learning

At First Journey Montessori the directress is a facilitator of the child's autonomous learning process. The directress guides rather than insists. She prepares the environment, gives the child the tools to utilize the materials and then does whatever else is necessary to help the child interact with the environment without assistance. Sometimes this involves direct encouragement, at other times indirect appreciation, and even judicious absence. There is a basic respect for each individual child's particular style of learning.

Freshly Prepared Lunches

First Journey Montessori prepares daily lunch menus with carefully chosen produce that follows the Canada Food Guide to Healthy Eating. In order to promote their independence and self-sufficiency we also encourage the children to assist us in the daily preparation of fresh vegetables, which they also grow in our school garden. We are a peanut and nut-free environment which shows flexibility around those with specific allergies.

Apprendre en français

À "First Journey Montessori" nous parlons les deux langues officielles. Le français est parlé tout au cours de la journée ainsi que dans nos cercles d'enfants.

À cette étape de la vie, les enfants sont comme des éponges et retiennent tout. Si l'enfant a maitrisé les matériaux en anglais, nous les présentons de nouveau en français, ce qui leur donne une autre étape d'apprentissage.

Ici à "First Journey Montessori" nous approchons ces objectifs de deux façons. Premièrement, chaque enfant développe un enthousiasme envers l'apprentissage selon leur choix et leur vitesse, plutôt que par obligation. Deuxièmement, nous aidons l'enfant à parfaire leurs outils d'apprentissage naturels afin qu'ils atteignent leur capacité maximale lors des situations d'apprentissage à venir.

Une fois par semaine, nous avons une session de yoga et chaque vendredi, l'éducatrice et son assistante font une session de cuisson avec les enfants.


There is more to First Journey Montessori than the activities of one particular child. We ensure that the children experience a level of concentration with their work, the joy of learning and the independence and the social interaction that comes in a childcare environment.
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